Getting Started - IO Services
IO Services allows developers to write the batch jobs which
involves reading and writing of large files of different formats
very quickly and efficiently. While writing the batch jobs which involves
working with files of different formats like fixed width flat, delimited flat,
XML and OFX, developers can concentrate more on the business logic than the
core tasks like parsing and generating of the files. IO API
parses the required file and return the records in the file as java objects and
accepts the java objects represents the records to generate the file.
IO API requires some information from the developers to understand the file structure that
it is going to prase and generate.
It accepts this information in the format of XML and this is called the file spec.
This file spec explains the details like file format and information to identify
the records and fields in the file.
System Requirements
IO Services can be used in any applications running on any JRE starting from 1.4.2.
IO Services can be downloaded here.
Download the from the available downloadable files. This distribution
contains the IO services jar (batch_io_1.0.jar), all the jars required in the runtime and source
code to add to debug path if needed.
Following are the Setps to install the IO Services.
- Extract the downloaded file into any directory.
- Keep the batch_io_1.0.jar file available in the extracted directory in the classpath.
- Keep all the jars available in the lib directory of extracted directory in the classpath.
Working with Fixed Width flat files
Flat files are the most common type of files being used by the enterprises
to exchange the data to and forth. IO Services provides the implementation
to parse and generate the fixed width flat files. Lets take a task of reading
and writing the following fixed width flat file to understand the implementation
Save the following content as sample-fixed-width-file.dat file.
This file can be downloaded here.
Lets take a moment to understand the structure of the file. This file basically
has the 3 kind of records and each record starts with particular string and
the length of each record type is fixed. In each record all the fields are starting
at one position and ending at one position. Following sections will explain
how to write file spec for this kind of structure and how to read and write the
file using that file spec.
Understanding Fixed Width flat file spec
As mentioned in the Overview section, file spec will be defined in XML format
and tells the structure of the file, information to identify the records and fields
in those records.
All the fixed width flat file specs will have the following XML format.
<file-spec file-type="fixed-width-flat">
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" starts-with="5" record-length="42">
<field-spec field-name="field-name1" start-pos="12" end-pos="23"/>
<-- More field specs will follow -->
<-- More records specs will follow -->
In this file spec, file-spec element provides the information about the type of the file. For
all the fixed width flat files the file-type attribute value should be fixed-width-flat.
record-spec element provides the information to identify the record in the file. Fixed width
flat file record-spec requires the attributes "record-type", "starts-with" and "record-length".
"record-type" attribute value can be anything that you want to use in your java code,
"starts-with" attribute value tells the parser that each record of that type should starts with
that values, and "record-length" attribute values tells the length of the record of that type.
field-spec element requires two attributes, "start-pos" which tells where the field starts and "end-pos"
which tells where the field ends.
By using this information, we can define the file spec for our sample-fixed-width-file.dat file, which
looks like the below. Save the following contents into a sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml file. This can be downloaded here.
<file-spec file-type="fixed-width-flat">
<record-spec record-type="HEADER" starts-with="1" record-length="9">
<field-spec field-name="timestamp" start-pos="2" end-pos="9"/>
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" starts-with="5" record-length="42">
<field-spec field-name="field1" start-pos="2" end-pos="11"/>
<field-spec field-name="field2" start-pos="12" end-pos="21"/>
<field-spec field-name="field3" start-pos="22" end-pos="31"/>
<field-spec field-name="field4" start-pos="32" end-pos="41"/>
<record-spec record-type="TRAILER" starts-with="6" record-length="9">
<field-spec field-name="recordCount" start-pos="2" end-pos="9"/>
Reading fixed width flat files
Following set of Stpes explains how to read the sample-fixed-width-file.dat file using file
spec sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml defined in earlier step.
- Get the FileReader by passing the input streams of sample-fixed-width-file.dat file and
sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
- Read the records from the file reader in iterative manner untile you receive the null.
ReaderRecord record=null;
- Read the fields from records being read from the file reader. Fields can be accessed using
name given in the file spec.
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.HEADER))
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.TRAILER))
- Close the file reader.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample_fixed.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
ReaderRecord record=null;
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.HEADER))
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.TRAILER))
Writing fixed width flat files
Following set of Stpes explains how to generate the sample-fixed-width-file.dat file using file
spec sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml defined earlier.
- Get the FileWriter by passing the output stream of sample-fixed-width-file.dat file and
input stream of sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
- Create the writer record from the file writer by telling the type of record you want to create.
Once you get the recrod, write all the field values by using the field name given in the file spec
and submit the records to the file reader to write them into the file.
WriterRecord headerRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.HEADER);
headerRecord.writeField("timestamp", "20060812");
WriterRecord detailRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeField("field1", "1234567891");
detailRecord.writeField("field2", "0000012.00");
detailRecord.writeField("field3", "3434343434");
detailRecord.writeField("field4", "7878787878");
WriterRecord trailerRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.TRAILER);
trailerRecord.writeField("recordCount", "0000000.00");
- Close the file writer.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
WriterRecord headerRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.HEADER);
headerRecord.writeField("timestamp", "20060812");
WriterRecord detailRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeField("field1", "1234567891");
detailRecord.writeField("field2", "0000012.00");
detailRecord.writeField("field3", "3434343434");
detailRecord.writeField("field4", "7878787878");
WriterRecord trailerRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.TRAILER);
trailerRecord.writeField("recordCount", "0000000.00");
Working with XML files
Now-a-days XML files have become the standard for the information exchange between
enterprises. IO Services provides the implementation
to parse and read the records from the XML file and generate the XML files from
record objects. Lets start reading
and writing the following XML file to understand the implementation.
Save the following content as sample-xml-file.xml file.
This file can be downloaded here.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
<file-type>Employee Records</file-type>
Understanding XML file spec
As mentioned in the Overview section, file spec will be defined in XML format
and tells the structure of the file, information to identify the records.
All the XML file specs will have the following XML format.
<file-spec file-type="xml" root-element="sample-root">
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" record-xpath="/sample-root/sample-header"/>
<-- More records specs will follow -->
For all the XML files the file-type attribute value should be xml and it this requires an
additional attribute "root-element" which tells the root element of the XML document. This
will be used in generating the file and doing basic validation while parsing.
record-spec element provides the information to identify the record in the file.
In XML file implementation, records will be identified using XPATH. So, the record-spec
requires the attribute "record-xpath" to identify the record along with the "record-type"
attribute which will be used to identify the type of record. XML file spec doesnt
require any field-spec, since it returns all the data underneath that XPATH element
as an object.
By using this information, we can define the file spec for our sample-xml-file.xml file, which
looks like the below. Save the following contents into a sample-xml-file-spec.xml file. This can be downloaded here.
<file-spec file-type="xml" root-element="sample-root">
<record-spec record-type="HEADER" record-xpath="/sample-root/sample-header"/>
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" record-xpath="/sample-root/sample-detail"/>
<record-spec record-type="TRAILER" record-xpath="/sample-root/sample-trailer"/>
Reading XML files
Following set of Stpes explains how to read the sample-xml-file.xml file using file
spec sample-xml-file-spec.xml defined in earlier step.
- Get the FileReader by passing the input streams of sample-xml-file.dat file and
sample-xml-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file.xml"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file-spec.xml"));
- Read the records from the file reader in iterative manner untile you receive the null.
ReaderRecord record=null;
- Read the fields from records being read from the file reader. Fields can be accessed using
name given in the file spec.
XMLReaderRecord xmlDetailRecord=(XMLReaderRecord)record;
XMLReaderRecord deptInfoComplexRecord=(XMLReaderRecord)xmlDetailRecord.readComplexElement("dept-info");
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.HEADER))
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.TRAILER))
XMLReaderRecord few more additional methods to read the nested elements and repeat elements
from the reader records.
- Close the file reader.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample_fixed.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
ReaderRecord record=null;
XMLReaderRecord xmlDetailRecord=(XMLReaderRecord)record;
XMLReaderRecord deptInfoComplexRecord=(XMLReaderRecord)xmlDetailRecord.readComplexElement("dept-info");
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.HEADER))
else if(record.getRecordType().equals(RecordType.TRAILER))
Writing XML files
Following set of Stpes explains how to generate the sample-xml-file.xml file using file
spec sample-xml-file-spec.xml defined earlier.
- Get the FileWriter by passing the output stream of sample-xml-file.xml file and
input stream of sample-xml-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file.xml"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file-spec.xml"));
- Create the writer record from the file writer by telling the type of record you want to create.
Once you get the recrod, write all the field values by using the field name given in the file spec
and submit the records to the file reader to write them into the file. XMLWriterRecord provides
few more methods to write the nested(complex) elements and repeat elements into the record.
XMLWriterRecord headerRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.HEADER);
headerRecord.writeSimpleElement("file-type", "Employee Records & Details");
XMLWriterRecord detailRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeSimpleElement("first-name", "Suresh");
detailRecord.writeField("last-name", "Pragada");
XMLWriterRecord deptComplexRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)detailRecord.createComplexElement("dept-info");
deptComplexRecord.writeSimpleElement("dept-name", "IT");
deptComplexRecord.writeSimpleElement("dept-location", "LOC1");
XMLWriterRecord trailerRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.TRAILER);
trailerRecord.writeSimpleElement("transaction-count", "1");
- Close the file writer.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file.xml"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-xml-file-spec.xml"));
XMLWriterRecord headerRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.HEADER);
headerRecord.writeSimpleElement("file-type", "Employee Records & Details");
XMLWriterRecord detailRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeSimpleElement("first-name", "Suresh");
detailRecord.writeField("last-name", "Pragada");
XMLWriterRecord deptComplexRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)detailRecord.createComplexElement("dept-info");
deptComplexRecord.writeSimpleElement("dept-name", "IT");
deptComplexRecord.writeSimpleElement("dept-location", "LOC1");
XMLWriterRecord trailerRecord=(XMLWriterRecord)fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.TRAILER);
trailerRecord.writeSimpleElement("transaction-count", "1");
Working with Delimited flat files
Delimited flat files consists of the records in which fields are seperated by a
special character called as a delimiter and every record consists of same number
of fields in each record.
Lets take a task of reading
and writing the following delimited flat file to understand the implementation
IO Services for delimited flat files.
Save the following content as sample-delimited-file.dat file.
This file can be downloaded here.
Understanding Delimited flat file spec
As mentioned in the Overview section, file spec will be defined in XML format
and tells the structure of the file, information to identify the records and fields
in those records.
All the delimited flat file specs will have the following XML format.
<file-spec file-type="delimited-flat">
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" delimiter="|" field-count="4">
<field-spec field-name="field-name1" index="1"/>
<-- More field specs will follow -->
In this file spec, file-spec element provides the information about the type of the file. For
all the delimited flat files the file-type attribute value should be "delimited-flat".
record-spec element provides the information to identify the record in the file. Delimited
flat file record-spec requires the attributes "record-type", "delimiter" and "field-count".
"record-type" attribute value can be anything that you want to use in your java code,
"delimiter" attribute value tells the parser that all the fields in that record will be delimited
by that value
and "field-count" attribute values tells the number of fields available in the record.
field-spec element requires two attributes, "index" which tells where the field can be found in that
record. Typically, all the delimited file specs will contain only one record spec.
By using this information, we can define the file spec for our sample-delimiter-file.dat file, which
looks like the below. Save the following contents into a sample-delimited-file-spec.xml file. This can be downloaded here.
<file-spec file-type="delimited-flat">
<record-spec record-type="DETAIL" delimiter="|" field-count="4">
<field-spec field-name="field1" index="1"/>
<field-spec field-name="field2" index="2"/>
<field-spec field-name="field3" index="3"/>
<field-spec field-name="field4" index="4"/>
Reading delimited flat files
Following set of Stpes explains how to read the sample-delimited-file.dat file using file
spec sample-delimited-file-spec.xml defined in earlier step.
- Get the FileReader by passing the input streams of sample-delimited-file.dat file and
sample-delimited-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file-spec.xml"));
- Read the records from the file reader in iterative manner untile you receive the null.
ReaderRecord record=null;
- Read the fields from records being read from the file reader. Fields can be accessed using
name given in the file spec.
- Close the file reader.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileReader fileReader=FileReader.getFileReader(
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file-spec.xml"));
ReaderRecord record=null;
Writing delimited flat files
Following set of Stpes explains how to generate the sample-delimited-file.dat file using file
spec sample-delimited-file-spec.xml defined earlier.
- Get the FileWriter by passing the output stream of sample-delimited-file.dat file and
input stream of sample-delimited-file-spec.xml file. Adjust path references according to your directory structure.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-delimited-file-spec.xml"));
- Create the writer record from the file writer by telling the type of record you want to create.
Once you get the recrod, write all the field values by using the field name given in the file spec
and submit the records to the file reader to write them into the file.
WriterRecord detailRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeField("field1", "1234567891");
detailRecord.writeField("field2", "0000012.00");
detailRecord.writeField("field3", "3434343434");
detailRecord.writeField("field4", "7878787878");
- Close the file writer.
For better clarity, all the code is given below.
FileWriter fileWriter=FileWriter.getFileWriter(
new FileOutputStream("C:\\sample_fixed.dat"),
new FileInputStream("C:\\sample-fixed-width-file-spec.xml"));
WriterRecord detailRecord=fileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType.DETAIL);
detailRecord.writeField("field1", "1234567891");
detailRecord.writeField("field2", "0000012.00");
detailRecord.writeField("field3", "3434343434");
detailRecord.writeField("field4", "7878787878");
More on XMLReaderRecord & XMLWriterRecord
XMLFileReader returns xml records as XMLReaderRecord objects. This provides additional methods
to read the nested(complex) elements and repeat elements (elements that repeat). In the
same way, XMLFileWriter returns XMLWriterRecord object which provides additonal methods
to create the nested elements and repeat elements.
Please see the
package document for additonal details and complete example.
I am trying my level best to keep this tutorial understandable and it is upto date with the releases.
If you see any mistakes or inconsistency in examples, please send me a message
(if you are a member of sourceforge)
or an email.