DelimitedFlatFileFileSpec represents the file spec defines the flat file
where all the fields in the records delimited with a particular character or value.
FileReader reads the specified file based on the given file spec and
returns the data in the form of ReaderRecord's to read the required values referring the field names.
FileSpecException is a runtime exception thrown when there is a problem creating
the FileSpec object from the given file contains the file specification.
FixedWidthFlatFileFileSpec represents the file spec defines the flat file
where each different kind of record starts with a particular value and the
fields in each record will have start and end position.
FixedWidthFlatFileReaderRecord implements ReaderRecord by maintaing the
field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper
access privileges to read into and write from the record.
FixedWidthFlatFileWriterRecord implements WriterRecord by maintaing the
field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper
access privileges to read into and write from the record.
Gets the next available record from the file and returns it wrapped
with the appropriate ReaderRecod object to easily access the data
fields from the record.
XMLReaderRecord implements ReaderRecord by maintaing the
field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper
access privileges to read into and write from the record.
XMLWriterRecord implements WriterRecord by maintaing the
field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper
access privileges to read into and write from the record.