Uses of Class

Packages that use JobContext

Uses of JobContext in org.jmonks.batch.framework

Fields in org.jmonks.batch.framework declared as JobContext
protected  JobContext JobController.jobContext
          JobContext associated to this controller.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework with parameters of type JobContext
static JobController JobController.createJobController(JobContext jobContext, Main controllerCreator)
           This factory method creates required implementation of the controller based on the controller configuration available in job context and sets the job context to the controller.

Uses of JobContext in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.basic

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.basic with parameters of type JobContext
abstract  ErrorCode BasicJobProcessor.process(JobContext jobContext)
           Does the processing and return the appropriate error code.

Uses of JobContext in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool with parameters of type JobContext
 ErrorCode PoolJobProcessor.processPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Process the job data available in the job pool until the job loader done loading of all the job data into the pool.
 ErrorCode PoolJobLoader.loadPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Loads the job data that needs to be processed in to the job pool.
 void JobPool.initialize(JobContext jobContext)
          Controller calls this method to initialize the job pool.
 void CollectionJobPool.initialize(JobContext jobContext)
          Initializes the collection job pool using the configuration defined in the job configuration.
 ErrorCode AbstractPoolJobProcessor.processPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Initializes the processor implementation by calling the initialize method by passing job context reference, gets the job data from the pool and passes that information to the processor implementation for processing and cleans up the processor implementation by calling the cleanup method.
abstract  void AbstractPoolJobProcessor.initialize(JobContext jobContext)
          Chance to initialize itself using the information provided through job context.
 ErrorCode AbstractPoolJobLoader.loadPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
          Abstracts the job pool details from the final loader by defining other set of methods for the final loader and implements the management and monitoring related methods.
abstract  ErrorCode AbstractPoolJobLoader.loadPool(JobContext jobContext)
           Load the job data into the pool that needs to be processed by job processor(s).

Uses of JobContext in

Methods in with parameters of type JobContext
static JobManagementAgent JobManagementAgent.createJobManagementAgent(JobContext jobContext, Main agentCreator)
           Creates the agent and initializes with the job context and job connection helper.
abstract  boolean JobConnectorHelper.registerConnectorServer(JobContext jobContext, connectorServer)
          Registers the jmx connector server with the job name taken from job context in the desired lookup location.
abstract  boolean JobConnectorHelper.unregisterConnectorServer(JobContext jobContext)
          Unregisters the jmx connector server registered in desired lookup location with the job name available in job context.

Uses of JobContext in

Methods in with parameters of type JobContext
 boolean RepositoryJMXMPConnectorHelper.registerConnectorServer(JobContext jobContext, jmxConnectorServer)
          Registers the jmx connector server with the job name taken from job context in the repository defined for this framework.
 boolean RepositoryJMXMPConnectorHelper.unregisterConnectorServer(JobContext jobContext)
          Unregisters the jmx connector server registered in repository with the job name available in job context.