Uses of Class

Packages that use JobController

Uses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework that return JobController
static JobController JobController.createJobController(JobContext jobContext, Main controllerCreator)
           This factory method creates required implementation of the controller based on the controller configuration available in job context and sets the job context to the controller.

Uses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.basic

Subclasses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.basic
 class BasicJobController
           BasicJobController creates and executes the Basic Job Processor class defined in job configuration.

Uses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool

Subclasses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool
 class PoolJobController
           PoolJobController provides the job architecture based on the pool concept, where a loader is load all the information to be processed into the pool and processors(>=1) retrieves the information from pool and process them.

Uses of JobController in

Methods in with parameters of type JobController
 boolean JobManagementAgent.start(JobController jobController)
           This method start the job management agent with the given controller information.

Constructors in with parameters of type JobController
JobMonitor(JobController jobController)
          Creates a new instance of JobMonitorMBean and initializes with job controller.
JobManager(JobController jobController)
          Creates a new instance of JobManagerMBean and initializes with job controller.

Uses of JobController in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.db4o

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.db4o that return JobController
 JobController Db4oJobControllerHolder.getJobController()
          Returns the mgmt & mntr object.