Uses of Class

Packages that use Main

Uses of Main in org.jmonks.batch.framework

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework with parameters of type Main
static Repository Repository.createRepository(java.lang.String jobName, FrameworkConfig.RepositoryConfig repositoryConfig, Main repositoryCreator)
           Factory method creates the repository instance based on the given repository configuration and associate this repository instance with the given job.
static void LoggingManager.initializeJobLogging(java.lang.String jobName, FrameworkConfig.FrameworkLoggingConfig frameworkLoggingConfig, JobLoggingConfig jobLoggingConfig, Main loggingInitalizer)
           This method accepts all the information available from framwork logging configuration and job logging configuration and loads the required loggers appropriately.
static void LoggingManager.initializeFrameworkLogging(FrameworkConfig.FrameworkLoggingConfig frameworkLoggingConfig, Main loggingInitalizer)
          Initializes the logging of the framework in the directory defined in framework configuration.
static JobController JobController.createJobController(JobContext jobContext, Main controllerCreator)
           This factory method creates required implementation of the controller based on the controller configuration available in job context and sets the job context to the controller.

Constructors in org.jmonks.batch.framework with parameters of type Main
JobContext(java.util.Map contextParams, Main contextCreator)
           Creates and Initializes the JobContext object by looking up the information in the given context parameters map.

Uses of Main in

Methods in with parameters of type Main
static JobManagementAgent JobManagementAgent.createJobManagementAgent(JobContext jobContext, Main agentCreator)
           Creates the agent and initializes with the job context and job connection helper.