Uses of Class

Packages that use Repository

Uses of Repository in org.jmonks.batch.framework

Fields in org.jmonks.batch.framework declared as Repository
protected  Repository JobContext.repository
          Holds the framework repository reference.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework that return Repository
static Repository Repository.createRepository(java.lang.String jobName, FrameworkConfig.RepositoryConfig repositoryConfig, Main repositoryCreator)
           Factory method creates the repository instance based on the given repository configuration and associate this repository instance with the given job.
 Repository JobContext.getRepository()
          Gets the repository reference configured for this framework.

Uses of Repository in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.db4o

Subclasses of Repository in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.db4o
 class ClientServerDb4oRepository
           ClientServerDb4oRepository access the Db4o Server and use it as a repository.
 class Db4oRepository
           This implementation of repository uses the DB4O database as the repository.

Uses of Repository in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.jdbc

Subclasses of Repository in org.jmonks.batch.framework.repository.jdbc
 class JdbcRepository
           JdbcRepository implementation of repository uses any database that can be accessed by using the JDBC technology.