Uses of Class

Packages that use JobConfig

Uses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework

Fields in org.jmonks.batch.framework declared as JobConfig
protected  JobConfig JobContext.jobConfig
          Holds the job configuration object reference.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework that return JobConfig
 JobConfig JobContext.getJobConfig()
          Gets the job configuration object belongs to the running job.

Uses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config that return JobConfig
abstract  JobConfig JobConfigFactory.getJobConfig(java.lang.String jobName)
          Returns the requested JobConfig object from the defined factory.

Uses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.db

Subclasses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.db
 class DBJobConfig
           DBJobConfig provides the implementation of JobConfig by reading the job configuration from given connection.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.db that return JobConfig
 JobConfig DBJobConfigFactory.getJobConfig(java.lang.String jobName)
          Returns the requested job configuration as JobConfig object.

Uses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.xml

Subclasses of JobConfig in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.xml
 class XMLJobConfig
           XMLJobConfig provides the implementation of JobConfig by reading the job configuration from XML DOM element <job-config> configured in the job configuration file.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.config.xml that return JobConfig
 JobConfig XMLJobConfigFactory.getJobConfig(java.lang.String jobName)
          Returns the requested job configuration as JobConfig object.