Uses of Interface

Packages that use JobPool

Uses of JobPool in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool

Classes in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool that implement JobPool
 class CollectionJobPool
           Provides the implementation of job pool using java utility collections.

Methods in org.jmonks.batch.framework.controller.pool with parameters of type JobPool
 ErrorCode PoolJobProcessor.processPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Process the job data available in the job pool until the job loader done loading of all the job data into the pool.
 ErrorCode PoolJobLoader.loadPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Loads the job data that needs to be processed in to the job pool.
 ErrorCode AbstractPoolJobProcessor.processPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
           Initializes the processor implementation by calling the initialize method by passing job context reference, gets the job data from the pool and passes that information to the processor implementation for processing and cleans up the processor implementation by calling the cleanup method.
 ErrorCode AbstractPoolJobLoader.loadPool(JobContext jobContext, JobPool pool)
          Abstracts the job pool details from the final loader by defining other set of methods for the final loader and implements the management and monitoring related methods.