Uses of Class

Packages that use FileSpec Defines API for the clients to read records from the file and write records into the file. Flat file implementation for the IO API. XML file implementation for the IO API. 

Uses of FileSpec in

Methods in that return FileSpec
static FileSpec FileSpec.createFileSpec( fileSpecInputStream)
           Creates the file spec object from the file contains the spec.

Methods in with parameters of type FileSpec
static FileWriter FileWriter.getFileWriter( outputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
           Factory method to get the file writer.
static FileWriter FileWriter.getFileWriter( writer, FileSpec fileSpec)
           Factory method to get the file writer.
static FileReader FileReader.getFileReader( fileInputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
           Factory method to get the file reader.
static FileReader FileReader.getFileReader( reader, FileSpec fileSpec)
           Factory method to get the file reader.

Uses of FileSpec in

Subclasses of FileSpec in
 class DelimitedFlatFileFileSpec
           DelimitedFlatFileFileSpec represents the file spec defines the flat file where all the fields in the records delimited with a particular character or value.
 class FixedWidthFlatFileFileSpec
           FixedWidthFlatFileFileSpec represents the file spec defines the flat file where each different kind of record starts with a particular value and the fields in each record will have start and end position.

Fields in declared as FileSpec
protected  FileSpec FlatFileWriter.fileSpec
          File spec to be used in writing the file.
protected  FileSpec FlatFileReader.fileSpec
          File spec to be used to read the flat file.

Methods in that return FileSpec
static FileSpec FixedWidthFlatFileFileSpec.createFixedWidthFlatFileFileSpec(org.w3c.dom.Element fileSpecElement)
          Factory method create the fixed width flat file spec object from the given DOM Element representing the file-spec element.
static FileSpec DelimitedFlatFileFileSpec.createDelimitedFlatFileFileSpec(org.w3c.dom.Element fileSpecElement)
          Factory method create the delimited flat file spec object from the given DOM Element representing the file-spec element.

Constructors in with parameters of type FileSpec
FlatFileWriter( outputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
FlatFileWriter( writer, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
FlatFileReader( fileInputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the flat file reader with the given file path and file spec.
FlatFileReader( reader, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the flat file reader with the given file path and file spec.
FixedWidthFlatFileWriter( outputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
FixedWidthFlatFileWriter( writer, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
FixedWidthFlatFileReader( fileInputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the reader with the given file path and file spec.
FixedWidthFlatFileReader( reader, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the reader with the given file path and file spec.
DelimitedFlatFileWriter( outputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs the Delimited flat file writer from the given output stream and file spec.
DelimitedFlatFileWriter( writer, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs the Delimited flat file writer from the given output stream and file spec.
DelimitedFlatFileReader( fileInputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs the Delimited flat file reader from the given input stream and file spec.
DelimitedFlatFileReader( reader, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs the Delimited flat file reader from the given input stream and file spec.

Uses of FileSpec in

Subclasses of FileSpec in
 class XMLFileSpec
           XMLFileSpec represents the file spec defines the xml file where each different kind of record identified by the xpath.

Methods in that return FileSpec
static FileSpec XMLFileSpec.createXMLFileSpec(org.w3c.dom.Element fileSpecElement)
          Factory method to create the xml file spec object from the given DOM Element representing the file-spec element.

Constructors in with parameters of type FileSpec
XMLFileWriter( outputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
XMLFileWriter( writer, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the writer with the given values.
XMLFileReader( fileInputStream, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the XML File reader.
XMLFileReader( reader, FileSpec fileSpec)
          Constructs and initializes the XML File reader.