Uses of Class

Packages that use ReaderRecord Defines API for the clients to read records from the file and write records into the file. Flat file implementation for the IO API. XML file implementation for the IO API. 

Uses of ReaderRecord in

Methods in that return ReaderRecord
abstract  ReaderRecord FileReader.getNextRecord()
           Gets the next available record from the file.

Uses of ReaderRecord in

Subclasses of ReaderRecord in
 class FlatFileReader.FlatFileReaderRecord
          FixedWidthFlatFileReaderRecord implements ReaderRecord by maintaing the field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper access privileges to read into and write from the record.

Methods in that return ReaderRecord
 ReaderRecord FlatFileReader.getNextRecord()
           Gets the next available record from the file and returns it wrapped with the appropriate ReaderRecod object to easily access the data fields from the record.
protected abstract  ReaderRecord FlatFileReader.parseRecord(java.lang.String recordString)
          Parses the given record string based on the record spec, translates it into the appropriate ReaderRecord and returns that reader record.
protected  ReaderRecord FixedWidthFlatFileReader.parseRecord(java.lang.String recordString)
          Parses the given record string, translates it into the proper ReaderRecord and returns the reader record.
protected  ReaderRecord DelimitedFlatFileReader.parseRecord(java.lang.String recordString)
          Parses the given record string where fields are delimited by a special character and returns the reader record.

Uses of ReaderRecord in

Subclasses of ReaderRecord in
 class XMLFileReader.XMLReaderRecord
          XMLReaderRecord implements ReaderRecord by maintaing the field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper access privileges to read into and write from the record.

Methods in that return ReaderRecord
 ReaderRecord XMLFileReader.getNextRecord()
          Gets the next available record from the file.
 ReaderRecord XMLFileReader.XMLReaderRecord.readComplexElement(java.lang.String elementName)
          Expectes the element as a nested/composite element and returns it as a reader record.