Uses of Class

Packages that use WriterRecord Defines API for the clients to read records from the file and write records into the file. Flat file implementation for the IO API. XML file implementation for the IO API. 

Uses of WriterRecord in

Methods in that return WriterRecord
abstract  WriterRecord FileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType recordType)
          Creates the writer record to be used to fill all the field values and submit to the file writer to write the record into the file.

Methods in with parameters of type WriterRecord
abstract  void FileWriter.writeRecord(WriterRecord record)
          Writes the given record into the file.

Uses of WriterRecord in

Subclasses of WriterRecord in
 class FlatFileWriter.FlatFileWriterRecord
          FixedWidthFlatFileWriterRecord implements WriterRecord by maintaing the field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper access privileges to read into and write from the record.

Methods in that return WriterRecord
 WriterRecord FlatFileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType recordType)
          Creates the writer record assocites with the given record type.

Methods in with parameters of type WriterRecord
protected abstract  java.lang.String FlatFileWriter.generateRecord(WriterRecord writerRecord)
          Generates the string representation of the record from given writer record.
 void FlatFileWriter.writeRecord(WriterRecord writerRecord)
          Writes the given record into the file/writer.
protected  java.lang.String FixedWidthFlatFileWriter.generateRecord(WriterRecord writerRecord)
          Writes the given record into the file/writer.
protected  java.lang.String DelimitedFlatFileWriter.generateRecord(WriterRecord writerRecord)
          Generates the string represenatation of the record from the writer record given by client.

Uses of WriterRecord in

Subclasses of WriterRecord in
 class XMLFileWriter.XMLWriterRecord
          XMLWriterRecord implements WriterRecord by maintaing the field names and values as a map and provides the methods with proper access privileges to read into and write from the record.

Methods in that return WriterRecord
 WriterRecord XMLFileWriter.createWriterRecord(RecordType recordType)
          Creates the writer record assocites with the given record type.
 WriterRecord XMLFileWriter.XMLWriterRecord.createComplexElement(java.lang.String fieldName)
          Create complex element and add it to the record and returns the writer record instance to which all the elements can be adde.
 WriterRecord XMLFileWriter.XMLWriterRecord.createComplexElement()
          Creates an orphan record that can be added to the record or repeated element later.

Methods in with parameters of type WriterRecord
 void XMLFileWriter.writeRecord(WriterRecord writerRecord)
          Writes the record into the file.